Rabu, 18 April 2012

Slimming tips

Personal News Magazine - The sports section is very popular among young adult males and it's these very same young adult males who need to get a handle on their finances.

I'm amazed at how many statistics some people can quote about a team, the individual players, their seasons, their chances, the odds of winning a game, and even who the players are dating.

If you are going to spend a specific amount of time each day, reading the sports pages you had better be getting something out of it.

Sport is a great form of exercise and it's invigorating. Watching a team that you align with win the big game is spirit lifting, but does it fatten your wallet?

If you like the sports page, you should discover the business section of the paper.


The sports section and the business section are the same, only different.

In Bangkok, where I live, there are t-shirts that read; "Same Same, but Different."

Spotting one of those shirts over the weekend gave me the idea for this article and put my brain in motion. Since I've spent a large portion of my life in the financial world, I knew I could draw some comparisons between the sports section and the business section of a newspaper.

I'll be upfront with you; I have never been a sports section junkie. My father read it religiously everyday of his life.

I had an interest in sports and played baseball in the summers and basketball in the school years, with some hockey, tennis, and football thrown in, but never cared about who hit the most home runs or how many year contract a player was signing.

If you're not making the amount of money that you would like to be making, I suggest shifting from the sports section to the business section.

If you think the business section is too technical or too difficult to understand, think about how long it took you to figure out a players E.R.A., handicap, or referee's signals.

If you have the brains to understand the rules of the sports, the scoring, player positions, and competitive advantages, you have what it takes to rip through the business section and find an idea, strategy, or opportunity to make money.

Attention getting photos are common in both sections, along with headlines that make you take a second look.

Opinions are a dime a dozen and there's a sprinkling in both sports and business, everyone wants to know what will happen next. Predictions, odds, forecasts, and analysis go into both the world of sports and the world of business.

There are always standouts. Tiger Woods will get coverage because he's the best at golf and Warren Buffet will get lots of print because he' (at the time of this writing) the richest man in the world. He changes places with Bill Gates and Carlos Slim occasionally.

The big game is lost because a key player makes mistake and a company goes down the drain, because a key member makes the wrong commitment or passes on the opportunity of a lifetime.

Of course, there are disputes with officials, lawsuits, and lots of stress to perform. Members of both the sports section and the business section occasionally weed out the week players and those that have skirted the law for any number of reasons. Some players from both "leagues" do jail time and some do hard time.

The standings are important, because there's something special about being number one. Being acknowledged as the best in your field is highly rewarded. The Detroit Pistons are usually in contention for the top spot and Toyota is in a tussle with General Motors for the top rung.

Celebrity is all part of both "games." Knowing who Tom Brady is dating is right up there with wanting to know who the "Oracle of Omaha" wants to do a deal with.

Like a Hollywood hot sheet, scandal, tragedy, and criminal charges are front page items in both sections.

International competition makes the camaraderie even more intense. As the World Cup gathers momentum and fans; China strives to be a dominant global manufacturer.

The standings show how a team is doing for the season, but on Wall Street, they have their own seasons, either calendar or fiscal year and just like football, the game is divided into quarters for a better indication of what has to be adjusted in order to come out on top.

Rumors abound in both "worlds." Is one of the main ingredients of a team or company jumping ship to a competitor?

Information leaks out from the base camps and the frenzy begins and the predictions, forecasts, and commentary are given fresh fuel to fill another column on another day.

Power struggles are always worth reading about and discussions about who has the most experience and stamina to do the job, but in both sections there are stories of upsets.

Day after day we are subject to facts, figures, and forecasts that we really don't care about. Useless information is plentiful. Staggering statistics and numbers that very few readers understand are given ink in both "worlds."
Both are guilty of giving time and attention to items that no one really cares about, but they do it all the time.

It's the scenarios, the "what if" factor that I like. Everybody thinks they know what's going to happen next and will lay their money down to prove it. When the gurus are wrong, they're quick to come up with some double-talk excuse as to why it didn't follow the predicted logic.

"What if" they trade their quarterback? "What if" they can't get their raw materials cost down?

Sports betting is popular and buying stock on news of a breakthrough is sort of a bet, but I'll bet that you never really stopped to think that the sports section of the newspaper and the business section of the newspaper are more similar than they are different.

If you're investing some of your time everyday to reading the sports section of the newspaper, shift to the business section with the same passion and you'll discover all the things that keep you tuned into sports will keep you tuned into business.

The sports page will give you things to think about, talk about, and follow, while the business section will give you things to learn about, think about, investigate, follow, and fatten your wallet with. "Same Same, but Different."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1153760
READ MORE - Slimming tips

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Best Slimming diet pills 2012

Best Slimming diet pills 2012 - Years of Diet Pill Reviews and thousands of real consumer pointers has led us to this top - Our Top 5 Diet Pills. What makes a skilled diet pill? We corrupt our rankings on these 6 essential qualities:

Get information about Weight Loss Powers, Quickness of Results, Safety, lengthy Term Results, Guarantee, Price. Health very important than just get slim. don't take big risk just for bad supplement or drug.

Inside conclusion, if you aspire a quick diet pill at that time approve of Healthy Weight Formula and alacrity it up more with Orachel. They are having a make the 4th bottle emancipated promotion by the calculate of this prose. Even the preeminent ended the counter diet pills by Wal-Mart can’t rate up to this lone.

Want an amazing body quickly? Diet and implementation are solely not cold it? Then you must add a diet pill to your routine to realize amazing consequence loss results in a quick and healthy way! I know with the intention of you should be thinking with the intention of consequence loss pills are not healthy. This is not permanently real. Yes, here are approximately diet pills with the intention of contain ingredients with the intention of be inflicted with not been proven safe (see FDA Warning Diet Pills). However, here are many diet pills with the intention of be inflicted with been clinically tested and proven to be safe and effectual in promoting consequence loss (see FDA Approved Diet Pills).

Do You Prepare Yourself?

You could be asking physically how to commence a consequence loss curriculum with the intention of incorporates a diet pill. Before purchasing a consequence loss pill, you should arrange yourself mentally, emotionally and physically pro the journey yet to be. Losing consequence is not a straightforward journey. You will be inflicted with losses and gains. Being prepared pro could you repeat that? Could take place is answer in thriving consequence loss. A skilled way to keep physically all ears and prepared pro the consequence loss journey is to be inflicted with a partner. Having a partner will help keep you motivated, have a discussion you through the tough moments, and understand the struggles you could be inflicted with.

Diet Pills are Not Magic Pills

We all fancy taking a diet pills would magically shed person’s pounds. However, we all know this is not real. Most experts recommend you bring together a healthy diet and consequence loss implementation with the diet pill. Diet pills are designed to help alacrity up the consequence loss process. It is preeminent to commence a meal and implementation preparation to think it over how your body genuinely reacts to dieting. This will help in deciding the aptly type of pill pro you.

Now comes the calculate to resolute which diet pill you must aid to supporter in consequence loss. There are many things to take into consideration.

How to Choose a Diet Pill?

The initially things to look pro is the type of diet pill with the intention of will bring about preeminent pro you. There are 4 types of diet pills unfilled pro hold: Inclination suppressants, fat binders/fat blockers, fat burners/metabolism boosters, and carbohydrate blockers/cortical blockers. It is recommended to commence dieting to think it over everywhere you struggle in regards to consequence loss. If you diet and permanently feel hungry at that time an inclination suppressant could be your preeminent think. To discover a more complete detailed look by the uncommon types of diet pills and read our article: How to Choose the Best Diet Pills.

Once you decide on which type of consequence loss pill will bring about preeminent, you should at that time pick which brand suits your needs. You must look by the catalog of standard diet pills by the FDA. The diet pills with the intention of are standard by the FDA be inflicted with been through various clinical test and be inflicted with been deemed safe. One business to look pro as alternative a consequence loss pill is the committed ingredients. Some consequence loss pills are all natural. Others could contain phony ingredients. It is preeminent to dodge phony ingredients if by all doable. You must furthermore look by the doable feature things and various health check conditions with the intention of must not aid with the intention of point diet pill. Also, get on to guaranteed the consequence loss pill is surrounded by your financial statement. Some pills are recommended pro fleeting stretch aid while others pro long stretch aid. Take this into consideration as looking by prices.

The effectiveness of safe diet pills has been studied extensively by many international organizations and research institutes. Unfortunately this research is often not published in a suitable way for consumers to be able to compare the different diet pills, nutritional supplements and weight loss products available on the market

READ MORE - Best Slimming diet pills 2012

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

End of an era!

Hey everyone :)

So I finally handed in my dissertation today! The feeling is crazy good, the relief is massive and it's just like a humungous weight lifted off my shoulders!

So I re-joined Slimming World last night, and although I've had a dodgy start with today (we went for a meal to celebrate handing the dissertations in...) I'm once again determined to lose weight. I was pretty happy with being 18 stone 1 pound, OK so I'm not happy I weigh that in any shape or form, but I weighed that when I started Slimming World last time (I can't work out how many weeks ago that was?!) so that means in like 6 to 8 (ish?!) weeks, I have had Christmas, New Year, the birth of my niece and writing my dissertation, that I have only put on the minimal amount of weight I lost last time. I was pretty chuffed with that results.

But today I thought I'd share with you my 'thinspirational' picture. You might have seen it if you follow me on twitter (@CharlMathews) but I thought I'd share it on here too.....
That's me in the middle there. I was about 15-16 there (I'm rubbish with placing myself in the past) and I thought I was huge. I think my body dysmorphia there has made me what I am today. I literally thought I was a whale compared to everyone else, and figured I may as well eat what I wanted because I would never be skinny. Oh why don't we appreciate things when we have them? Or don't in have the weight in my case!

Anyway I'm going to keep you updated on how I do at slimming world, and some recipes etc :) This blog really shall be flourishing within no time!!!

Love you all loads,
Fat Girl xox
READ MORE - End of an era!

Slimavite linkup - come and share your slimming journeys in 2012

I don't know about you but I love to read about other people experiences.  You can gain a lot from those who are sharing a similar journey.

I am on a weight loss journey and although I started my plan in May last year (and successfully lost nearly 3 1/2 stone and all my weight gained in my pregnancy in the process) I have set a new target for 2012 - to lose 2 stone and 6 lbs by April 22nd.  This is the weight I weighed on my wedding day 6 years ago on that date.

I enjoy reading how the other Slimavite slimmers are doing and follow their journeys.  I also thought having one source to be able to read each others successes would help spur us all on as well.

It would be lovely if you would come and share your blog posts about your weight loss each week and let us all know how it has been for you that week. Below is a linky tool for you to post yours - hope you all come and join in!

Look forward to reading all your successes!
READ MORE - Slimavite linkup - come and share your slimming journeys in 2012

2011: Sharon Slimmed Slowly

I ended 2011 weighing less than I did in 2010, but not by as much as I'd hoped. I gained back 10 of the 35 pounds I'd lost between January and August, which still left me with a decent loss for 2011. My total loss is now 50 pounds over the last two years.

I also ended the old year/began the new year with two family celebrations. It's hard to resist food when it tastes so good, so I didn't. I tried not to overdo it too much, but I still enjoyed myself.

Pictured: end of year buffet with sister's family

Pictured: beginning of year buffet with Jay's family

Pictured: Sasha

My sister's cat Sasha made a tempting dessert, but I resisted her. By the time she crawled into the plastic lid, I was already feeling comfortably stuffed.

I'm mostly okay with the weight I gained back. I spent the last five months going to restaurants I wouldn't otherwise visit and having food I normally would have avoided. I especially enjoyed the ethnic food I tried. I regret more that I didn't stay active. I'm now working at getting 9,000+ steps in every day. I'm looking forward to going back to the community center and using their pool.

If I can lose 25 additional pounds in 2012, I'll be very happy!
READ MORE - 2011: Sharon Slimmed Slowly

'Needs no title!' 6/366 Project 366

I have recently given my daughter my old phone to use as hers is 'lost' in the house somewhere.  I switched it on to upload my old photos and found this one on it! It needs no title as I am not sure what to call it anyway. It is my daughter but that's only thing I understand about it.  Although I didn't take it is is on my camera so I had to share...
READ MORE - 'Needs no title!' 6/366 Project 366

Bunk beds are for kids and I am not a kid!

That's what my 12 year old daughter told me when we had another one of those discussions about why she needed a new bed.

She re-inforced the bed of her choice by putting a large red circle around the Vinni double bed frame in the Argos catalogue - I get the message!

Although many people decided to spend their Christmas break relaxing and catching up on TV or films, with a self employed husband that had no holiday time this year, we decided to spend the time redecorating Pre-teens room to something a little more 'her' as she put it!  After the room was painted a delicious combination of brown/grey and green it was time to dismantle the bunk bed in preparation for the new Vinni bed kindly sent to us from Argos to review.

Bunk bed dismantled and Vinni bed pack opened....and we're off!
Pre-teen was determine to get involved as well so first job was removing the protective plastic packaging around each of the bed parts to stop any damage or scratches on the powdered coated finish - followed by finding the screws needed and the instructions.

Screws were handily supplied in a red bag so easy to spot in the box.
The instructions were clear and easy to follow and I left my husband and Pre-teen to get on with Operation Bed Construct as I watched *ahem* sorry helped and took photos of the work in progress.  The headboard was first to be constructed as it was ready with just one additional piece to be added so it could be connected to the main bed frame. The pieces were all easy to locate from the instructions and the pieces was already looking like a bed within 30 minutes of the box being opened.  I love it when a plan comes together so easily...

With headboard/footer in place the metal poles for the mattress were next.
Pre-teen helps with securing the matress supporting metal poles
Nearly finished!
The pre-cut holes in the frame were all cut well and there were no sharp edges.  The securing screws were easy to put in and Pre-teen could even help with this part.  My husband then went round and checked them all to ensure they were tightly done up.  I asked him to give his opinion on Operation Bed Construct and the Vinni bed frame itself and he said the finish was good with clear instructions and he found the whole process very straight forward.

In 1 hour and 5 minutes we went from ....

.... to this!
Pre-teen is overjoyed at her new bed and confirms it is comfortable and I love it to because after having a bunk bed for the last 10 years it is a breeze to make the bed quickly!

The Vinni bed frame is perfect for teens or adults alike...
READ MORE - Bunk beds are for kids and I am not a kid!

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