Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Slimavite linkup - come and share your slimming journeys in 2012

I don't know about you but I love to read about other people experiences.  You can gain a lot from those who are sharing a similar journey.

I am on a weight loss journey and although I started my plan in May last year (and successfully lost nearly 3 1/2 stone and all my weight gained in my pregnancy in the process) I have set a new target for 2012 - to lose 2 stone and 6 lbs by April 22nd.  This is the weight I weighed on my wedding day 6 years ago on that date.

I enjoy reading how the other Slimavite slimmers are doing and follow their journeys.  I also thought having one source to be able to read each others successes would help spur us all on as well.

It would be lovely if you would come and share your blog posts about your weight loss each week and let us all know how it has been for you that week. Below is a linky tool for you to post yours - hope you all come and join in!

Look forward to reading all your successes!

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