Sabtu, 18 Juni 2011

Britains Biggest Mess meme

I have been tagged for this meme by the lovely Elaine at Fun as a Gran and I am not sure that I am ready for this!

The basic gist is this:

"Let’s all find the biggest eyesore, mess, in need of decorating etc patches in our homes and share them!, and that can include your garden" says Elaine..

So there you have it.  A sort of self name and shame on all those jobs that you have been putting off , from decorating to gardening to washing and ironing - we all have at least one we haven't got round to.

Now my husband is great at starting jobs around the house, the problem is getting him to finish them!! 

He started the tiling.....
....but then needed a new tile cutter and never seems to go and buy it so tiling has been unfinished for quite a while now, with the grout marks above the finished tiles awaiting new paint.  As our bathroom fan also broke for a while, we ended up with damp and condensation on the ceiling so to add to the tiling we now need to do this:

Paint needed please....
And the subject of paint brings me on to the next eyesore.  Well it is only an eyesore on the way down the stairs.  When my husband started painting the hall (do you see a pattern forming here?!) and when it came to painting the highest part above the stairs he had to lean the ladder against the wall to reach the top but as the paint was still wet on the bottom part he needed to wait til it dried to continue.  We are still waiting nearly 2 years later!!  Slowest drying paint I have ever seen!

Like watching paint dry
So there you have it my mess in photo's - I am named and shamed.  So to make me feel like I am not the only one I am going to tag a few others so they can share my shame.  Come on down Wendy at Inside the Wendy House, Claire at Seasider in the City and the lovely Jessies Crazy Kitchen and a new friend Helen at Casa Costello- come on ladies let's see what you've got.....

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