I've been reading a lot of books lately that centre around women and being over weight and wanting to lose weight and so on... So I thought I'd share them with you :D
The first book I read about 3 years ago, which is still one of my favourite books, is called Jemima J. By Jane Green.
Definitely 10/10.
It's an absolutely fabulous book that had me laughing hysterically in some parts (seriously, I was reading it while on holiday in Spain and my boyfriend couldn't understand why I was laughing so hard, and when I tried to read him the part of the story I was laughing at, I couldn't because I just couldn't stop laughing!!!) It's about a young woman called Jemima J (of course) who is over weight and dreams of being a journalist, but works at the local paper 'The Kilburn Herald'. It's all about her love life and her awkward-ness in society. She re-invents herself and the book has a fantastic twist at the end! But I won't ruin it for you. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and as I said before, it had me laughing out loud the whole way through. As a larger girl, I related to an awful lot of it. I found the bit about cliche's hilarious, you'll know what I mean if you have/do read it!
The next book I am going to tell you about is called 'Making It Big' by Lyndsay Russell.
A good 7/10.
I loved this book, although it was less realistic (It has a few funny twists, without ruining anything for you!). It's about Sharon Plunkett who is overweight (a mere 16 1/2 stone... pfft... but I'll get to that later) and ends up going through with a Hollywood Magic Remedy to her weight... and it ends up that, instead of society accepting that the slimmer the girls, the better, it's the bigger the girls the better! Although I found this book hilarious, and it really made me almost accept my body and appreciate it a bit more, I found that it sort of made me want to eat more - because they want girls to be bigger they eat all these wonderful things, and I just ended up drooling and feeling like I should eat something! Definitely recommend it as a read though.
The next book is called 'Mum on the Run' by Fiona Gibson.
An inspiring 8/10.
This book has seriously made me take up running. OK so I've been about 5 times in the past 3 weeks, but that's more than I've ever been in my life! This is about a Mum called Laura Swan, and it starts off with her attending her children's sports day, and the Mum's race being called for. I won't ruin it for you, but it's hilarious! This then inspires her to take running, and it's all about her, as a novice, taking up running. OK so it sort of gave me unrealistic expectations of my starting out running (She can run relatively far on her first go, I can run a minute and a half and I'm done...) but it still did give me the inspiration. Also, she talks about how 'fat' she is and I think she's about a size 16... Which is the average size for a woman in the UK, and definitely made me sort of resent her character.
One to watch....
So I've literally read about 20 pages of a new book now, Its called 'The Chocolate Lover's Diet' by Carole Matthews. If you know these books, you will probably be confused as apparently this isn't the first book in the series, but my Mum read it after it was given to her and she gave it me to read!
It looks good, and reads good so far. The only thing I'm a bit critical about is that it follows four girls stories. I know four stories isn't that many to follow, but I really do prefer it when there's just one heroine to the story, as you get to know her really well and feel like she's your friend at the end (or at least I did with the other three!) and, OK, so I know four stories doesn't sound that taxing, but it's when it starts involving all the names of exes, new boys, family members, pets and so on, I do tend to get confused. When reading a book like this I do expect no hardship of having to remember names etc. I just want an easy read! BUT I am not saying this specific book is going to be difficult... It's just my opinion of when it's happened in other books! This might be my favourite book of them all!
And as you may have realised... Yes it is Friday and that means weigh-in day. Yes I weighed myself. As you can probably tell by the non-excitedness about telling you, and how it's at the bottom of my blog that it isn't the best news. Well it's not particularly bad, but I still weigh 17 stones 9 pounds. I figure it may be the sugar coated doughnuts and chips I had at the Pleasure Beach last Sunday.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know if you would like more kind of posts like this book worm post, and if you liked the fall fashion post!! Also, if you have any books to recommend :)
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl
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