Selasa, 13 September 2011

Day One: 5 Step Fat Attack!

(Granted this isn't me... But it will be soon!! Ha)

Hey everyone :)
So today I decided that I'm really gonna get a routine going for my fitness, because I really do love exercising (it's my love of food that let's me down) and I'm all down for a routine, being the most organised and routine-maker type person I know. So, I have 3 work-out DVDs, and to be honest, the first one I bought was a bit of a copout... It's called WAGS workout. Even from the name you know it's going to be naff, but when I bought it I was sucked in by the fact it had hair and outfit sections on it too!
It's pink and the girls are gorgeous, can anyone blame me?!

When I was doing Weight Watchers, I then bought their DVD (I had to stop as I'm constantly between Lancaster and Blackpool, and neither of the groups inspired me, and I lost a small amount of weight to easily put it all back on again... but that's just my experience of Weight Watchers!).

I must admit, I've done this DVD one or two times, and I did enjoy it. When I woke up today, I was heartbroken because I'd left it in Blackpool, and I was ready to do some fun exercise! So I looked at my DVD collection, and saw this little gem popping out at me.
It's called the '5 Step Fat Attack' and it features Claire Richards who used to be in the band Steps ( I don't know if they ever went to America, but they were absolutely huge here in the UK!). I liked the name, as it is definitely my aim to attack my fat, and I really like that there is a picture of her form before, and you can tell it's not been messed with too much, and - not being nasty - she really does look overweight, in fact she says she was just over 15 stone. I know I'm a bit more, but on the blurb in this she says in a year she went from being 15 stone, and is now back at her original size 10  body (as you can see in the picture), so I figure if it only took her a year, I'd happily get down to a size 12 or 14 in that space!
Here is a little video to show you about the video:

One of the benefits, was although it may not be the coolest revelation I've ever made, the moves were all to Steps music, and it was energetic and I maybe sang along... quite a lot! It also brought back lovely memories of being young. Also, the moves were mostly easy, although I found they did move through them quite quickly.
There's 5 steps to the video (like you wouldn't have guessed!):
 Warm Up (13 minutes approx) - OK so when I think of warm up, I think just a bit of light movement, but boy I was sweating after this! I know I'm not fit, but it really did work me out, although it obviously didn't tire me too much as I went on to do the rest of the DVD.
Aerobics (13 minutes approx) - If I wasn't sweating and red after the warm up, I was definitely after the aerobics! I found my calves were aching a lot, and because I am quite large, I didn't do it as energetically, so instead of bouncing around I just stepped around, I don't think my ankles or my floor would have taken much more! When I've previously been to aerobics classes, I've found them quite hard to follow, but this I enjoyed and found it relatively easy and it definitely got my heart going.
Combat (18 minutes approx) - This part was really fun for me, as I thoroughly enjoy boxing and would really love to take it up at a boxing club (although my exceptional lack of confidence won't allow me) so it was fun being able to do it in my own home with no-one watching. I enjoyed it, but at first I felt a bit naff punching the air, but I realised I wasn't giving it enough welly, and I just imagined certain people's faces, ensured my other hand was close to my face, and really got in to it! This was the only part of the DVD where I found the combinations quite difficult to keep up with, but seeing as it was only my first attempt, I'm sure with a couple more goes I'll be a pro!
Tone (10 minutes approx) - So this I enjoyed but found really difficult. I definitely need to invest in a yoga mat, as my floor was less than welcoming to my joints, so I found it hard to join in on the press ups and planks (as my knees, elbows and toes were literally in so much pain) and also, they moved quite quickly, and when your carrying around an extra 7 stone it's hard to keep up with them. Although I found it difficult, I really think it will benefit me. I mean at the moment I find it hard to think about toning anything up, because I just want to lose it all, but I suppose it's good for keeping skin taught and maybe actually getting some tone and strength.
Cool Down (10 minutes approx) - I tell you, even though I loved doing this work out DVD, I have never been as happy as I was to see 'Cool Down' pop up on my TV! I am most definitely knackered, but somehow have a bit of energy installed in me (It doesn't make sense to me, but I don't mind it at all!). The cool down was OK, as far as cool downs can go! The only thing I found slightly difficult was the bit where he goes in to bending over, and then I'm not watching the TV, I'm still bending while everyone else has moved on to something else, and I got completely lost. Once again, I think that will get better when I have done the work out a bit more and grow to understand it.

You can really tell how much I like this DVD, as I literally have jumped straight on to my MacBook to tell you all how much I loved it! I haven't even had a shower (gross!!). I also enjoyed it being Claire from Steps, as I watched a program about her struggle with her weight-loss and really related to her, so I know she hasn't had any quick fixes, and I felt like this may actually work for me. I'm so excited to do it at least 4 times a week, if I can't squeeze it in every day (something I forgot to mention is you can choose to do a certain amount of sections, or do all 5!) so I should be able to fit it in somehow.

Does anyone else have any amazing get fit videos they can share (keep in mind I'm very much a beginner, not so much that I've not done exercise before, but just that I'm still unfit, and very much so overweight).

I hope this inspires you to do some exercise today, as it's made me happy and I feel like I can take on anything after doing it! Don't just take my word for it though, read a massive amount of brilliant reviews here (at the bottom of the page).
I'm off for a shower,
Lots of Love
Fat Girl

P.S. Legs picture from here. Wag's Workout picture from here. Weight Watchers picture from here. (And I seriously couldn't get a better quality picture...). 5 Step Fat Attack picture from here.

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