Sabtu, 10 September 2011

VegFest 2011

Hubby and I went to VegFest this afternoon. I was surprised at how many vendors were there, and how many visitors. According to the local paper, estimated attendance for the day was 6,000 people.

Pictured: welcome sign

Pictured: vegan cooking demonstration

Pictured: desserts from Vegan Treats

Pictured: Healthy Plate booth
More pictures can be found here

The only things we bought were a brownie and a whoopie pie from Vegan Treats, and two honeycrisp apples. There were a few vendors we would have liked to have seen, but the crowd made it difficult to get close to things and the humidity was giving me a headache.

Half of the festival was the food court and various food sellers, while the rest was split between animal-related groups, fitness, jewelry and other health-related participants. Hopefully there will be a VegFest again in 2012. I'm not a vegetarian, but I like attending community activities like this.

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