Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

cabbage for health

Medicinal Plants - Cabbage is also called cabbage, cabbage, eggs, cabbage crop.
Cabbage can be eaten fresh as a salad in the area of ​​Indonesia.
Fresh cabbage contains water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, sulfur, histidine, vitamins A, C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinamide and beta carotene.

Cabbage also contains compounds sianohidroksibutena, sulforafan and liberin that stimulate the formation of glutathione.

The content of active substances and histidine menghambar sulforafan tumor growth, preventing colon and rectal cancer, detoxification harmful chemical compounds, and increase body resistance to fight cancer.

In addition to lowering blood cholesterol levels are elevated, cabbage also for the treatment of wounds, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract, protecting the body from the radiation beam, to overcome constipation, and itching caused by yeast and candida.

Col. To Drugs
Cabbage can be used to inhibit tumor growth, prevent colon cancer and rectum.

Materials needed:
Medium-sized fresh cabbage as much as 1 / 4 pieces.

How to use:
Cabbage washed, then rinsed with boiled water.
Cut into pieces as needed and then juiced.
Water cabbage juice is drunk at once and do it every day.

For those of you who suffer from heartburn, either new or old should still always eat vegetables cabbage juice made ​​way. Especially for a sick stomach (gastritis), preferably half an hour before eating or drinking cabbage juice. To make it even spelled out very easily, with 300 grams of cucumber plus 150 grams of white cabbage that has been cleaned first, then in all kemudan filtered juice and drink immediately.

But for you who do not understand about the characteristics of the fruit / vegetable cabbage should be careful in choosing the cabbage and cabbage vegetables should not be consumed in a state ripe or soft, because it can remove the gas in the vegetable so that creates a feeling of bloating in the stomach. (various sources)

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