Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Efficacy and benefits of papaya

Efficacy and benefits of papaya
Every part of the papaya plant has efficacy. In fact, papaya latex contained in all parts of plants, ranging from fruits, leaves, stems, up to its roots, has antitumor and cancer. This is because more than 50 amino acids contained in it.

Papaya fruit has high fiber content. That's why when having difficult bowel movements, papaya fruit is fit for consumption. Of course, the efficacy of papaya fruit not only in fruit only.

Linda, for example. Housewife who lives in Jakarta was once made of natural ingredients to treat symptoms of intestinal worms in children aged 3 years with the use of dried roots of papaya mixed with garlic. The result is no less a worm medicine are sold in stores.

Munaroh, also a housewife, had felt the benefits of papaya leaves to increase her appetite had decreased after being sick. The result is tolerable, thanks to the fresh herb leaves of papaya, palm-sized, a little salt, and half a cup of warm water, which is then blended, and filtered, to take water for drinking from, so increased his appetite.

The content of papain

Fruit, leaves, and roots of papaya can indeed be used to prevent kidney disorders, bladder pain, high blood pressure and menstrual disorders. While beneficial papaya seed treat roundworm, indigestion, colds, and diarrhea.

Of the several studies described, stems and leaves on the plant sap of papaya contains lots of white as milk (milky white latex), which likely developed as anticancer. Benefits of papaya latex for health Bouchut proved scientifically, as quoted Journol Society of Biology, stating papain has antitumor or cancer.

The role was made possible by the content karpain compounds, alkaloids laktonat ringed with seven groups of methylene chains. With that configuration, not only the tumor and skin diseases are cured, it is also a potent karpain hinder the performance of some microorganisms that interfere with the digestive functions, making it effective to suppress the cause of typhoid fever.

More than 50 amino acids contained in papaya latex, such as aspartic acid, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, lysine, arginine, tritophan, and cysteine. They come together as a raw material cosmetic industry to smooth the skin, strengthen the network to be more supple, and keeps the teeth from plaque deposits.

During this papaya latex contained in the leaves are more used to pengempu meat by wrapping raw meat with leaves for several hours at room temperature. In addition, papaya leaves can be rubbed directly on the surface of the meat. Rubbing the leaves on the meat is intended to remove the sap (latex) contained in the leaves that out, then enter in the flesh.

Forms of Packaging

In some areas, the meat is cooked directly with raw papaya leaves and fruit to get the meat is soft and easily digested. Currently sap contained in the raw papaya leaf and extracted to be used as an ingredient in commercial meat tenderizer. Flour papaya latex as a meat tenderizer is sold in packaged form in supermarkets or in a store chemicals.

Use of sap can be by direct injection in cattle and a half hours before being slaughtered for meat is tender. The enzyme papain to hydrolyze collagen in meat, so the shape becomes loose and the meat will be more tender. The enzyme papain is a remodel of protein (collagen) into several parts.

In the book Medicinal Plants III edition of the Family Health Department mentioned publications, including papaya plants that grow fast and bear much fruit. In the tropics, the first conception can take place less than one year and bear fruit throughout the year. The number of fruit trees can reach 50-150 per year.

If you've been a fan of fruits including papaya, would agree that the benefits and nutritional value for health are enormous. Not just having a high fiber, papaya also contain various types of enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. In fact, its vitamin A content of more than carrots, and vitamin C was higher than in oranges. Also rich with vitamin B complex and vitamin E.

Amazingly, the content of the enzyme papain in papaya fruit serves to accelerate the process of protein digestion. Protein levels in papaya fruit is not too high, only 4-6 grams per kilogram of weight of fruit, but almost completely digested and absorbed by the body.

This is due to the enzyme papain in papaya fruit is able to digest the substance as much as 35 times larger than its size alone.

Throughout the gathering Idol Season

Because easy to maintain and not knowing the season, papaya prices are much cheaper compared to other fruits. Although the price is cheap, the benefit was very large. In fact, every part of plants, ranging from fruits, leaves, until the sap, can be utilized for a variety of complaints. No wonder, as the fruit of papaya can be called an idol throughout the season.

Here are some examples of mixes:


Chewing one teaspoon of raw papaya seeds in an empty stomach every day can prevent and eradicate worms and other parasites. Papaya seeds can be used wet or dry. If it feels too strong, can be mixed with dates or honey. This papaya seeds can be blended and mixed with a little water, the new drink. As an antiparasitic program, eat papaya seeds every day for a week, then repeated two weeks later.

Alternatively, take the form of dried papaya seed powder 10 grams. The powder is boiled with 150 ml water, to obtain a solution of 75 ml after filtered. These results can be taken at the same time two hours before dinner.


To de-worming, use 10 grams of dried papaya root, garlic and 1 gram of water 100 ml. Materials cut pieces and then boiled with water for 15 minutes, then filtered. If necessary add boiled water to obtain 75 ml of distillate.

For beverages, take two pieces of roots and leaves of the papaya. Both parts are finely ground, then boiled with one liter of water until boiling, then strain. If necessary, mix honey or ginger to taste more fresh.

To prevent the risk of kidney stones, take three pieces of papaya roots, then boiled with one liter of water until boiling, then strain. Once cool, mix with a little honey, then drink.


To cure burns and rashes on the skin (topically). Apply the sap from the papaya fruit is still young. To prevent infection, clean the skin first before smeared.

As a meat tenderizer, papaya leaves can be rubbed directly-rub on meat surfaces. Rubbing the leaves on the meat is intended to remove the sap (latex) contained in the leaves that out, then enter in the flesh.


As a control blood pressure, take 5 pieces of papaya leaves, boiled with 1 / 2 liter of water until only three-quarters. Let cool before drinking. If necessary, add brown sugar or honey to taste sweeter and drink it like tea.

To cure dengue fever, mix 5 pieces of papaya leaves, ginger, meniran to taste, and brown sugar. Boil until cooked and then cooled before it is ready to drink.

Abdominal pain medications during menstruation grab a papaya leaves, fruit acids, and salt to taste. Boil until cooked to then cool and drink in a glass.


To facilitate breastfeeding, overcoming constipation, menstrual disorders. as well as stomach upset, take advantage of papaya fruit as a base for vegetables. Vegetables are usually cooked papaya fruit as well as making vegetable lodeh. As an interlude, it can be mixed with meat or tempeh. Do not forget, before cooking, wash the fruit to remove dirt and reduce resin.


To increase your intake of fiber which helps keep the digestive organs as well as facilitate bowel movements. Can be eaten directly or mixed with fruit juice made another and added honey or sugar.

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