Foods high in salt and fat are foods trigger stress. The reason for these foods stimulate the hormone production of stress hormones kartisol. The hormone will inhibit the action of serotonin, which acts to affect mood or mood, due to its calming and controlling anxiety. Another effect of kartisol is causing the release of hormones neuropeptide Y and galanin hormones that make a person want to eat fatty foods and sweet foods. Consequently, a person will experience a bad mood continues.
Fast food such as nuggets, meatballs, sausage or processed canned foods are foods that can trigger stress because these foods contain lots of salt and fat. Simple carbohydrates such as bread or noodles and trans fat foods are also a cause of stress.
Besides food, beverage options selected can also cause stress. Liquors and beverages, coffee, and beverages with high caffeine content is not good for your mood. Reduce drinking in order not to trigger your stress.
Food and Drinks Stress Relief
The content of B vitamins, Omega 3, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin C can make a food is classified as a stress reliever food. Choose foods that contain antioxidants that will help launch a memory function.
Avocados, bananas, tuna, salmon, sardines, milk, and yogurt contains vitamin B. While folic acid can be obtained from oatmeal, orange or asparagus. Magnesium, which can help you sleep soundly, many found in almonds, spinach or tofu that will help the body produce dopamine. While foods with vitamin C can be more easily found in fruits such as oranges, kiwi, guava or strawberry.
To obtain the desired benefits, your diet should be combined. At meals, select foods with protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. A good combination will make your blood sugar stable and reduce the desire to eat a snack.
After knowing food stress reliever, it is also necessary to know the drinks are able to reduce stress. Simply drinking water, which is about 2 liters per day or sipping a cup of tea will help calm the heart. Especially if you drink tea with the family and in a pleasant atmosphere, will definitely keep you from stress.
After learning of food can trigger stress, then choose a diet now with smart so as not to interfere with your emotions. Eat quietly, slowly, while mnegucapkan dinkmati thank you because you are still able to obtain healthy food. Thus, the food will help you gain peace of mind.
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