Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

I'm sorry

Hey Guys and Dolls,

I know it must have been something like 3 weeks since my last blog, and I am truly and deeply sorry. I have just started back at University in my fourth and final year, so as you may have guessed I've been pretty busy and tired. I also moved back in to my university house, so I'm now cooking all my meals, doing laundry, ironing and so on (and for 2 people!) again now, so I am finding it difficult to keep writing so much. Also, when you're attempting a 10,000 word dissertation, it's nice to just leave your laptop for a while and chill.

Needless to say, I have been also finding it difficult to lose weight, as student life pretty much consists of take-aways and alcohol (only at nights.... I promise!), but the good news is I actually haven't put any weight on, which is pretty damn good, especially seeing as it's been my 22nd birthday as well.

I'm finding it really difficult to get back in to a healthy lifestyle. My student kitchen i s never the most pleasant place to be (I live with 4 rather... messy... people) so I find it really difficult to get motivated and start cooking when everything is not in the right place. Also, as most students will know, money is tight. It's not as easy as just buying what's good for you, it's a case of what you can afford, and frozen meals definitely lead for a cheaper more inexpensive lifestyle.

Never the less... I am going to try. I really am. My sister is due on the 30th November, and it's coming up to Christmas and my mum has set me the challenge of getting down to 16 stone 7 pounds by then. I don't want to be a bad role model for my soon-to-be neice, and I graduate in less than a year now, and I fear that my size will affect my chances of a job. Really, it's now or never.

So here goes.....

Lots of Love,
Fat Girl

P.S. Picture is from here.

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