Often, many of us ignore the dangers of food eaten. However, every year, many people suffer from diseases because of the foods they eat. In countries that have high hygiene standards, each year an average of 10 to 15 percent of the population contracted the disease carried by the food they eat.
Some of the things that make unsafe food eaten that is:
Contaminated with bacteria
Tens of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protozoa threatening to poison food. Food can be contaminated with harmful bacteria. Such as food stored in jars or containers are not sealed. Or raw vegetables such as fresh vegetables are not washed first. Other causes, the meat is left at room temperature for some time though it was cooked attracts bacteria.
Processing is not clean
If the food processing done quickly, most likely less attention to hygiene factors. It could be a container for cutting raw meat and cooked meat made in the same cutting board.
Eating out
Although eating out interesting, but should still be careful. Some restaurants do not maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen so that it becomes a nest of germs. Or a few restaurants serve food on the table for a long time without refrigeration or storage containers tightly. Or is often the case, the remaining food was served yesterday returned the next day.
Chemical substances or drugs
Several chemicals or drugs given to livestock or plants. For example some of the animals were given antibiotics that are immune to disease, or hormones to cattle to grow faster. The bacteria in these animals become more resistant, so that when consumed by humans, the germs that cause disease in humans in the long run would be immune to antibiotics.
Similarly, the pesticides on crops. Food can be contaminated by the remnants of pesticides or substances that are harmful or toxic.
Creating a Safe Food
Food-related illnesses caused by bacteria. Usually the bacteria could be inhibited growth. To make food safer, then the food must be processed under conditions that do not allow the growth of bacteria in food or spread of pollutants in the kitchen. Here are some practical suggestions you can do to avoid disease or dangers of food is often the case.
Wash hands
This is the most practical method, ie washing hands before eating. Always wash hands with soap or clean with an anti-septic every time you will eat or touch food.
Wash and clean the cooking utensils
Always wash all cooking utensils such as cutting boards, knives, kitchen table, grated with soap and can also with hot water after preparing each dish. It is more important if, after the processing of beef, chicken, or seafood that is still raw with the equipment.
Wash fruits and vegetables
Although fruits and vegetables can be eaten directly, but always wash fruits and vegetables with warm water to clean it from insects and pesticide residues. If the vegetables and fruits that do not need to be peeled to be eaten raw or without cooking, brush the food ingredients with a vegetable brush to remove dirt and pesticide residues are attached. Leafy vegetables, like spinach, kale, and salad, washed and certainly should not contain sand and soil. Even the best step is skinning, peeling, and boiling so that the cleaning of food. For example, when processing lettuce and cabbage, discard outer leaves.
Cook the meat until cooked
Cook all meat until cooked properly. This includes fish and chicken meat with the intent to kill harmful organisms. Beef and frozen chicken from the refrigerator should be completely thawed before cooking, so heat can penetrate to the center.
In the meat could have tapeworms, including the fish and shellfish. Tapeworms usually affect the liver or lungs. Heat the inside of the meat to more than 70-80 degrees Celsius, though briefly, almost all bacteria, viruses, and parasites will die. If you want to reheat food should be carried out until the temperature of 75 degrees Celsius or until the food becomes hot and steaming.
For example, avoid eating chicken meat inside is still pink or eggs do not mature properly. Because of high risk can still contain harmful organisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Separate food
Separate layout when carrying groceries or save it. Separate the meat and seafood from other foods. Separate instance of your shopping bag between the meat with other food ingredients, especially when storing in the refrigerator.
Avoid putting cooked food on a plate that previously used to place the meat is still raw, but the dishes had been washed thoroughly with soap or hot water.
Eat immediately
Once the food is finished cooking, immediately eat, especially in hot regions because harmful bacteria can multiply rapidly. Tips to prepare food well before the meal is to cool the food in the refrigerator after cooking and warm back well before serving.
Maintain cleanliness of kitchen
Kitchen hygiene should always be maintained. Consider cooking equipment and cooking area. For example avoid using footwear outside the house in the kitchen area and allow pets in the kitchen area.
Save and freeze in the fridge properly
Refrigerator can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, with the temperature 4 degrees Celsius. While in the freezer (frozen) should be minus 17 degrees Celsius temperature. Immediately store perishable foods in the refrigerator no later than two hours after purchase.
Discard damaged or dubious food
Perhaps you remember the last time the eggs are in the refrigerator purchased. If you are not sure whether the food is broken or not, cast a dubious food source rather than the disease.
Be careful when eating outside the home
When eating outside the home, you need to always be careful. Approximately up to 80 percent of cases of diseases carried by food comes for buying or eating foods that are cooked and purchased outside the home.
Make sure you visit the restaurant is quite clean. If you order a steak or meat, order meat cooked until cooked properly.
And if you plan to wrap the food to take home, make sure that food is eaten no later than two hours after you buy it. If more than two hours, reheat food to 75 degrees Celsius or until hot and steaming.
It is certainly preferable to eat delicious food. Remember, it is not possible at all times ensure that the food they eat is safe from all dangers. But if you pay attention to the suggestions above, namely the food is well prepared and safe, you can better enjoy your favorite dish of delicious food.
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