Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Reduce fat intake

Healthy Fat Intake information is intended to help Reduce fat intake. The average individual fat overeating factors associated with variety of health problems, including cancer. High-fat diet is associated with breast cancer and colon cancer, some studies
linking high fat to prostate cancer as well.

Most people can bring their fat intake a healthy range, making some adjustments how to shop, cook and prepare food
they eat. Today, it is easier and easier to control The amount of fat you eat. Fat content Food is available through the Nutrition Facts label and through brochures distributed by food companies and fast food restaurants.

You can use nutrition information to choose low-fat foods by comparing products and of the brand. If you have a rough idea of ​​what a healthy The use of fat, you know what can and what you can not have. Everyday, the amount of fat you eat is varies. Some meals and some days are higher in fat than others. Despite the high fat foods can be stored in line with a long healthy and balanced diet the appropriate days. The average fat intake journey of weeks and months is important, not fat intake at every meal and food consumption.

Young adults and high active adults higher calorie needs can probably eat a little more of fat. Older adults and those who are not very active should aim for a lower fat intake. In this way, control the consumption of fats and avoid many fat-related problems.

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