Hi everyone!
I know I'm probably annoying a lot of people by not really posting all too much, but it's so difficult with being back at university. I am in schools on Monday and Tuesday, I have lectures on a Friday, and I have a 10,000 word dissertation along with lots of other work due in in January so that takes up pretty much the rest of my time! Oh, and I work Saturdays and Sundays.
I just thought I'd blog to inform you all that I've decided to start back on Slimming World next Monday. I decided this weekend, but I already had plans this Monday (which was rather annoying, as the meeting isn't until 7.30pm at night, which means I wouldn't be ready to go out until 9pm and that's far too late to eat tea!) so I'm starting this Monday. It's almost dangerous knowing your going to start something next Monday, as it is difficult not to go round eating everything that I want this week because I'm going to have limit things and obviously really try hard to lose the weight.
Although I have all the information for Slimming World (as I have done it before) and could do the diet without going to the meeting every week and paying, I find the meetings help me 100%. It keeps m focused, and also the knowledge that you're going to be weighed every week by someone you don't really know is quite scary, and when you think about eating something naughty, you always remember the moment of being weighed and can usually not eat it!
As I say, I have done Slimming World before, and many of you will be thinking "If it didn't work for you before, why is it going to work now?" Well to be honest, it did work. I've done it twice before, the first time when I was 18, I lost about a stone, but then it was my boyfriend's 18th birthday and Christmas, and I just let myself go and put it all back on again. I also did it about 6 months ago, but I had problems with getting to meetings and being able to afford them. Luckily my mum has said she will pay for them this time (Thank you Mummy!) so I don't have to worry about that.
For anyone that doesn't know about Slimming World, I am a bit rusty, but it used to be red and green days (yonks ago) and you had to either have lots of potato, pasta, and other such carbohydrates, but you had to limit the amount of meat you had on a green day, or on a red day you could eat as much lean meat as you want, and limit your carbohydrates. There still are red and green days, but they have created something called an orange day where you can have unlimited carbohydrates (not bread though) and unlimited lean meat. You also have an 'a' and 'b' choice, which counters in for your calcium, so cheese, milk and so on. Finally, you get a certain amount of 'Syns' a day, and this is where you can count in your chocolate, or crisps, or full fat butter or oil and so on. You definitely get enough of these Syns to not feel like you are missing out, but you have to use them wisely! You could technically have a Mars Bar every day, but then you couldn't counter in any other things.
Anyway, I will know more next Monday, and I will let you know how the weigh-in goes, how the meeting is and what kind of literature I get to read!
Wish me luck :)
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl
P.S. Picture is from here.
P.P.S. I don't have any association with Slimming World, I just really like it as a diet!
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