However, the side effects of traditional medicine is usually limited to the type of allergic reaction. Such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, or rash. Some traditional medicine or herb might cause "healing crisis" to produce flu-like symptoms or other symptoms. People who consume traditional medicine may appear to be getting worse before it gets better. In general, it is said that this reaction is caused by the disposal of toxic wastes from the body during the early stages of herbal therapy.
If you choose to treat themselves with traditional medicine, you should consider some kind of risk that you may not really know what is causing your health problems. Then you do the treatment itself may cure ailments, but exacerbate other health problems, such as high blood pressure. Even some self-medication may be possible in contrast to prescription drugs.
As with all health products, traditional medicine should be used with caution, and knowledge, balance. Remember that there are some diseases and health problems that now is no cure.
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