Minggu, 20 November 2011

How To - Subscribe :)

Hey everyone :)

So I know a lot of my friends (I say a lot, I mean one or two) were wondering how to subscribe to my blog, and I thought if anyone else was having the same trouble, this would be an extremely useful post!

So, first step is to go to Google, then type in 'blogspot'. This is what your screen may come up like, or something like it:
Sorry it's not the best quality as I just took it from my iPhone! As you can (almost) see, you then type on the link that is titled 'Blogger: Create your free Blog'.

It should come up something like this:
If you already have an account for Google, or YouTube, then you can enter that in the 'Sign In' section, but if not, at the very top right hand corner, it says 'Sign up for a new Google Account'. It's really simple to follow the steps :)

Then, once you have created your account and signed in, my web URL is:

So you can either click on that link, or type it in the URL bar at the top. 
It should come up looking like this:
And you can follow by clicking at the top left hand side, just to the right of the search bar 'Follow'. 

If I was clever, I could circle the words to make it easier for you, but unfortunately, I am not that technologically advanced. Sad hey!

Anyway, I hope this works for you, and if it does then Subscribe! If it doesn't then let me know what is wrong as soon as possible so I can get it sorted :)

Lots of Love
Fat Girl

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