Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

I have become rich through blogging!!

When someone had asked me what a blog was 2 years ago I don't know I could have given a correct answer.

When my long time friend Wendy told me she had started a blog and that I should have a go I have to admit I was more than a little sceptical and Wendy had to do all the setting up as I was clueless! I had come up with a sort of name 'Bloggamy' as in monogamy (meaning one marriage and in relation to my new blog it would be my one and only blog hence the name!) Needless to say it means something to me and obviously nothing to anyone else as when it was set up the name ended up being spelt wrong and Bloggomy was born.....

During the 13 months my blog has been up and running I cannot believe the opportunities a stay at home Mum of four children has been given. From being asked to give my thoughts and opinions on a whole range of products and companies from Nuby, Maclaren, and Stewed to my newer relationships with Next (I am proud to be part of the Next Bloggers Network) and Mookie. I hope I can continue to work with these and other amazing brands in 2012.

I am extremely proud to have been a finalist in this years MAD Blog Awards in the Best Baby Blog category and was thrilled to be able to attend the Award ceremony in London in September, and although I did not win  I did get to meet some very lovely people and in particular the lovely Claire from A Boy with Aspergers who I am happy to now call a friend as well as the effervescent Super Amazing Mum who I have had a ball with every time we have met! I hope I may be as lucky to be nominated next year....

The lovely Super Amazing Mum
In May I was lucky enough to have attended Cybermummy kindly sponsored by Teething Bling and arrived in style in a fantastic Hyundai - what an event! *note to self - never wear killer heels to walk down a cobbled road in London at night in the dark*

During 2011 I have also been given the amazing help and support to lose 3 and a half stone since May thanks to Slimavite and I look forward to carrying on with my weight loss in 2012 (after the mince pies are all gone of course!)

I recently attended the Tots 100 Christmas Party at Butlins and my special thanks go to Sally Whittle for all her organising to make our weekend possible.  It was lovely to be able to share a magical weekend with my family and of course meet up with my fellow bloggers.

So how am I rich through blogging? Well through the reaches of my blog I have met some inspiring, clever, funny and downright lovely people and for that I am richer. Ok so I am yet to be a millionaire but if these new online friends were £50 pound notes I would be well on my way to that.....

Thank you to every company, brand, friend and blogger I have met this year and for helping make my life richer through blogging.

This photo had to be revived! Ladies you know who you are!!

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