Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

I took the Welsh Lamb Supper Club challenge!!

For a lot of my late teens and early twenties I was a vegetarian.  I now eat meat (good quality pieces of meat rather than sausages and mince) but because I have very little experience of cooking meat I tend to just put it in the oven and roast it rather than do anything 'fancy' with it.

So when I was asked to be part of the Welsh Lamb Supper Club and cook a recipe for my friends and family from the http://www.eatwelshlamb.co.uk/ website I thought - why not?

I chose to cook the Welsh Whole Leg of Lamb with Rosemary and Pears in Pear Cider which looked lovely.  We love pears in our house so I thought it a great new way of cooking with them as well as something different to serve to the family was the deciding factor in my choice of menu.

Here's how we got on with our Supper Club challenge.....

Step one - Ingredients

Step 2 - Preparation

Step 3 - Cooking times and instructions

Step 4 - Halfway there! 

Step 5 - Ready to serve

I have to say the recipe really was so simple to follow which really appealed to me as a novice at cooking meat and a busy Mum.  Once the ingredients were prepared it was as simple as adding them to the roasting tray and adding the lamb on top! Now that is beyond simple and meant I have plenty of time to prepare my accompaniments...

Ready for the oven, just need to cover with foil for first half of cooking time

Removing the foil halfway through allowed the meat to roast 
We were really spoilt with the Welsh Lamb sent to us to review as it was from the Rhug Estate Organic Farm which is our favourite place to stop when we are off camping in Snowdonia.  For review purposes we were sent the lamb and other ingredients required to make this delicious meal.

With the lamb in the oven I had time to set the table for our Supper Club.  With Christmas next week I used it as an excuse and brought out the crackers.  This lamb recipe is also perfect as an alternative to turkey at Christmas.

Once the lamb had rested and was ready for carving we finished serving the seasonal vegetables I cooked as an accompaniment.  The cooking instructions needed to be adjusted slightly I found and so for the last 20 minutes I removed the lamb from the potato, onion and pear combination and cooked it alone in a dish as I prefer my meat not to be pink.  Once ready we couldn't wait to try our food as the smell wafting from the plates from the pears and rosemary was fantastic!

Ready for the vegetables

Bon Appetite!
My guests and family complimented my cooking which was lovely (I never told them just how easy to cook the recipe was) and the lamb was full of flavour with the pear cider and rosemary infused into the lamb juices The potato and pear 'base' was especially lovely and I will certainly cook this part as an alternative to roast potatoes in the future as the pears set off the potato slices very well.  In fact the whole meal will definitely be on the menu again in the future.

Some comments from the Supper Club guests on the meal:

"A meal combination I would never have thought of but works so well"
"I love the sweetness of the pears mixed with the lamb"
"Delicious and all the flavours compliment each other very nicely"
"Can I come again tomorrow" (!!!)
"Is there any more?"
"I am not sure about the green bits" This comment was from my 10 year old after trying to eat the rosemary!!

I was very impressed by the whole lamb recipe and now I know just how easy it is to prepare and cook I will not shy away from cooking it for the family again.  No longer will I just put meat into an oven and roast it - shame on me!!

For other fantastic lamb recipes see the welsh lamb website and see what you can create with Welsh lamb today!

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