Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Slimavite Diet Diary - Week 33 weigh in

With all the Christmas preparations and my lovely weekend away at Butlins I forgot my weekly diet update.

With parties, drinks and treats tempting us all at every moment I thought is best to try and have a 'damage limitation' theory in regards to my Slimavite plan.

So my theory is that Christmas would not be Christmas without a few nice things to eat and drink and the more I try and abstain the more likely I will blow my hard work so far on the plan.  If I aim to maintain the weight I have lost so far and be a little more akin to the everything in moderation saying then that will be a better course than just thinking the usual dieters thoughts of 'I will start again after Christmas or as a New Year resolution"

I am trying to be honest with myself and actually ask the question "Do I really need that mince pie / dollop of cream / chocolate?" and in most cases the answer is no! I am enjoying  the odd festive feast (such as my meal at Turners last weekend) but staying focussed the rest of the time.

Last week I maintained my weight at 12st 13 lbs so I was hoping for the same this week but to my shock (and delight!) I weighed 12st 12 lbs so I actually managed to lose a pound with my damage limitation theory.

Will power rocks!

TOTAL weight loss in 33 weeks: 3 stone 6 lbs... onwards and downwards...

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