Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

The Green Chain - a blog for charity

I have been invited by my friend Wendy to join in with a new blog campaign sponsored by PriceMinister called The Green Chain.

Simply by taking part and answering their eco interview questions they will donate £10 to one of these three worthy charities: Surfers Against SewerageTrees for Cities and the Young Persons Trust for the Environment.

Here's my interview answers:

Turning the heating down by just one degree in your house saves 240kg 
of CO2 a year. It would take eight trees to soak up this amount of CO2!
Are you currently doing anything to make your home eco-friendly?

I make sure I only boil the amount of water I need each time saving energy. I am a big recycler (ask my refuse collectors) and make sure everyone in the house joins in and all paper, cardboard, green waste, cans, bottles and glass gets put out for the recycling collection.  I use low energy lightbulbs in all lights in the house.

Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface, now they only 
cover 2%. How are you reducing your use of paper?

I do not buy newspapers myself but my neighbour keeps hers for me which I use in our kitty litter tray and recycling any that are left over.

At PriceMinister we believe that trading second hand items online is a 
great way to extend the life span of products. Have you ever thought of 
buying or selling second hand items on or off line?

I use Ebay a lot and think its a great way of not only recycling but for raising funds for any trips or holidays. I did a Carboot just earlier this month - hate the early starts but love the space in the house it creates. One mans junk is another mans treasure as they say!

One of the biggest environmental challenges we face is Freshwater
Shortages. Are you taking measures to reduce your water consumption?

As I mentioned in the first question I only use the water I need in the kettle. I also do not wash the childrens clothes unless they are dirty as my pre-teen is a great one for wearing an outfit for 15 minutes and then changing and outting it in the laundry basket...HHmmmm I don't think so. I try and get one child in the bath and then save the water for the next and never fill it above halfway.  Tala uses a BabyDam in the Bath which is great for reducing the water consumption on his baths.

How do you choose the produce that goes into your shopping basket?  
(any favorite products?) 

I am a label reading freak! I choose it based on its freshness (fruit and veg) where it is sourced from (travelling distance to me) and also try and avoid un-necessary impulse purchases that may not get used and be thrown away. All possible packaging is recycled.

What is your favourite green space near home?

At the moment my favourite is Colemere (Nr Ellesmere, Shropshire) My daughter trains there as part of her swimming club routine: see here....

A lovely green space to enjoy....
Which charity would you like to support and why?

I would like to support Trees for Cities as not only is it essential for survival to have trees in our lives but this charity supports projects not only in the UK and Ireland but also Internationally. It actively involves local communities and schools in it's projects.

Please give us the url of a fellow blogger (or bloggers) you would like us 
to contact to raise an extra £10.

I would like to tag: SherieannClaire - let's see your answers ladies.....

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