Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Listography...5 Products You Couldn't Live Without meme

Kate at Kate Takes 5 has a Listography meme that I have decided to join (hope that's alright Kate?!)

This weeks theme is 5 products that you couldn't live without.... Hmmm just 5 will be tough as I take so many great time saving products for granted every day.  Do I go for luxury, time saving or downright cannot function without products?! Here is my Top 5.

5 products I couldn't live without....

Washing machine:
I know, I know how sad you are thinking but seriously as a Mum of 3 at home children and a husband that works outside, my washing machine is my best appliance friend!  I am also sad enough to wash Tala's baby clothes separately to mine and the other 2 childrens and my husband washes his separately to ours.  As I also use washable nappies these need washing every day so our poor little overworked machine deserves a mention in my top 5.

Mobile phone:
My mobile phone is great for taking photo's and is actually better than my digital camera.  I put it in my top 5 purely for this reason as I hate mobiles for their real use and pine for the days when I could go out and not be bothered by anyone - not a possibility now with not just phone calls and texts, but Twitter, Facebook and email pinging happily away on my mobile. The mobile phone is great for snapping photo's at any photo opportunity.

Yankee Candles:
I am yet to find (but am trying!) a stronger and nicer smelling range of wax tart candles for my candle burner.  As someone who doesn't drink or smoke they really are a small piece of smelly heaven for me. My favourite is the Clean Cotton smell that smells like a well known fabric conditioner right in my hallway - fabulous! I love the way my mood and spirit is lifted when a wax tart is burning.

Skimmed milk:
I really don't like anything other than skimmed milk since I discovered, aged about 13, that there was more than 'blue' milk in the world!  My Mum just bought full fat milk and it was like a miracle when my school friend gave me a glass of milk that didn't make me feel sick - aaahh skimmed milk was my new favourite and has been ever since.  I can tolerate semi-skimmed for politeness when at friends but 'skinny' or skimmed is my milk of choice.

Sky+ box:
And not for the reasons you expect... but because my husband watches crap! I mean documentaries, survival programmes and 'real life' series about tree fellers! Seriously had I known this at the beginning! I only watch a few select programmes and without my Sky+ box great things like 'The Good Wife' 'In Treatment' and 'Waterloo Road' would be lost amongst my husbands endless recordings.  Horror movies are the only thing we agree on as far as what's on the box, mind you when I am blogging he has to have something to watch so it works quite well really.

NB whilst I type this my husband is watching a documentary type thing called Warriors, which looks back at the different types of warriors through time - yawn!!

So there you go...why not visit and see what other people couldn't live without on Kate's blog.

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