Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Here I am - A swinger and a closet blogger !!

As you are probably fed up of hearing, I am a finalist in this years MAD Blog awards which I am pretty chuffed about to say the least.

With this being an award that is decided by votes (yes I would love some I won't lie about that!) it obviously comes with promotion from the lovely award sponsors.  As I have stated before my blog has appeared in my local paper but this brings me to a little known fact about me...... I have only told 2 friends and my husband and children that I blog!!! I am a closet blogger!!!

With this in mind I started to look at my blog as others that do not know me would and realised something was missing from it - ME!

Apart from one very tiny photo of me in my blog logo, and you have to search for that, there are no photo's of me at all here.  I am always the photo taker, the video maker and the thought behind the camera but never in front. With CyberMummy 2011 conference only 2 weekends away I am worried no-one will know who 'that lady' is and 'what blog does she write?'

So whilst out with the children the other day I decided to let 'Pre-teen' be the one to take the photo and so you all know what I look like - here I am ! (please be kind!)

No not that sort of swinger - this sort!!
It takes a lot for me to put a photo of myself into the public arena, so to speak, and as I type these words already I keep glancing to the photo and finding faults - my hair is a mess, do I look OK and a load more hangups that I can find.

So before I press 'remove photo' I will end with a quick request.  If you haven't voted in the MADS yet, please consider Bloggomy in the Best MAD Baby Blog category (last one at the bottom) The link is here.

You will make a closet blogger very happy!  See you at CyberMummy x

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