Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Day 2 of Slimming World :)

Hey everyone!
So I finally did it, I took the big plunge... I joined Slimming World (cough... again... cough!). I decided not to let anyone in the group know that I've been before, because I wanted to see it as a fresh start for myself, and because I've not been properly since I was 18 (4 years ago now! Cripes where does the time go!) there's been quite a few changes, so I wanted to be able to ask silly easy questions and just get in to the group feeing again :)

So when I got there, it was about 7.35pm on a cold, dark, wet Monday night, and when I pulled up (yes I drove... I know I shouldn't but I was worried about how to get there etc so figured it would be easier my first time!) I was kinda confused about where to go in. Thankfully two women in a car pulled up and went inside so I just followed them in. They'd already started the newbie talk (woops! I was late because I waited, damn!) so I just casually sat down and listened to the rest. The diet is an amazing diet, I know so many people who do it and have lots copious amounts of weight and kept it off, and I know from previous experience that I enjoy this diet and I can actually succeed in it.

From previous groups, I noticed a huge change, everyone seemed welcoming and the leader actually seemed enthusiastic about the program. I think because certain people have been in the job for so long, they can get complacent, and this is NOT very inspiring, but my leader certainly is. Not only have I already received an email from her wishing me good luck, she also said she would phone to see how we would be getting on! The group seemed very welcoming, and during the whole class meting they were all joining in and having fun chatting to one another. I must say, I am extremely shy so I'm going to have to try to put myself out there a bit and make some new friends, because everyone seems so lovely.

Surprisingly, there were 3 males that went (as usually the groups are just jam-packed with women), one was the leader's brother and the other was his friend, and on Monday they had both reached their '2 and a half stone award'. Wow, inspiring! The other was a young lad, maybe 11 or 12, who received his 'stone and a half award'! These men are utterly inspiring! There were also a lot of women who got awards, but the one I was most inspired by, was a girl not much different to my age, who had her year anniversary of joining Slimming World the week before, and received her '5 and a half stone award' on Monday. Now that's crazy. She really was a massive inspiration, and I just keep telling everyone about her, because it makes me think that I could actually do this. I could actually lose this weight.

I have been a bit worried recently, because, although I know I'm morbidly obese and it's one of the side affects, but I have been exceptionally tired all the time at the moment. Paired with this, I have also been experiencing and extremely overactive bladder. Just typing about it makes me need a wee. I can't decide if I'm painfully tired because I have to keep getting up for the loo (the other night I had to get up five... yes FIVE times to go to the loo) or if it's something else. I started googling my symptoms, and then a bit of dread waved over me. My mum has diabetes, and she's about 1 1/2 stone overweight and eats relatively healthy. I am 7 1/2 stone over weight (I weighed in at 17 stone 12 1/2 pounds by the way) so this massively increases my chances of getting it. I was going to go to the doctors, but as my mum is diabetic, she has one of those pin prick things for your finger to tell your blood sugars. Unfortunately she's run out and is waiting on her prescription, so I'm nervously waiting until I can have that done. I desperately hope I don't have diabetes, but it would be something to make me realise how unhealthy I am. I know it seems strange, but I'm morbidly obese, yet apart from that, my body is healthy in every form. It almost inhibits me from dieting vigorously because there's nothing too much wrong with me now... I just need a bit of a kick up the back side to be perfectly honest.

Anyway, let me know if you would like a detailed description of the Slimming World diet, and I'll be hopefully doing another blog this week with how I'm getting on and some of the meals I've been making!
Lots of Love,
Fat Girl
P.S. I'm sorry I've not been posting an awful lot, I have been doing my dissertation today and I used 103 post-it notes and ran out 2 pens worth of ink. I'm extremely busy but really trying to carry on blogging. Love you all and keep smiling!
P.P.S. The picture is from......here :)

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