Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Erase Dark Circles, Wrinkles, and Rosacea From The Inside Out

Your skin doesn’t lie….read your face like a book.
It provides so many clues – when properly deciphered – that can lead you to the underlying causes of many outward beauty conditions that plague us all.

We all love a quick fix that reflects cutting-edge science or simple healing wisdom passed down through the ages. Here are some of my favorites that can help transform your complexion from porous to porcelain, dull to daunting, and dry to dewy.

Combine these with the brightening, lightening, hydrating, and natural sunscreen properties of BeauCle and you can kiss those facial worries goodbye.

Dark Circles
These are often a signal of parasites or allergies which in turn are a big time adrenal and liver stressor. A parasitic infection can often create an allergic response – especially to gluten-rich grains and milk. Blood tests can show an elevated eosinophil count – a type of white blood cell that is produced when the immune system is challenged. I have never seen a client with persistent dark circles, who didn’t also have an “uninvited guest” that was picked up from travel, uncooked food, excess salad bar consumption, pets, or changing baby’s diapers. The Rx is simple: a colon cleanse that targets both the microscopic and larger organisms that often reside side by side in the body these days. You will know you are on the right track when the dark circles begin to fade, which can take anywhere from two weeks to two months

Taking 500 to 5000 mg (and sometimes more) of vitamin C daily will help build and maintain collagen – the vital anti-wrinkle skin protein which diminishes as we get older. Collagen fibers provide the skin’s firmness by creating a protein net. The decrease in this key protein reduces the plumping or moisturizing agent. Consequently the collagen fibers become flaccid and fibrous, and the now thinning epidermis becomes flaccid which results in wrinkles and lines.

The collagen building property of vitamin C is so crucial that I always suggest a Vitamin C challenge to find out how much collagen-critical C your unique body chemistry needs, so it can shift into beautification mode for your skin.

For this challenge, simply take 1,000 mg of Time-C several times throughout the day until bowel tolerance. Once you have achieved this level, cut back to the acceptable/comfortable dosage – sometimes up to 7 or 8 mg in some cases! Vitamin C is also a precursor for glutathione – that toxic waste eliminator so you are getting a double whammy of health benefits – fresh collagen and a systemic detox at the same time. The amino acid proline (500–1,000 mg) also can help strengthen collagen.

As you may know, Vitamin C can be used as a topical agent, too. BeauCle’s Ultra Hydrating Moisture and Overnight Corrective Crème both contain a unique cosmecuetical ingredient – a stable, oil soluble form of vitamin C – that not only helps rebuild collagen but has been documented in research studies to lighten dark spots for overall smoothness and toning.

Rosacea, rashes, and dermatitis
A severe lack of hydrochloric acid- most prevalent after the age of 40-years-young – can often be at the root cause of all three of these conditions. This is especially true if you are already taking daily probiotics and supplementating with essential fatty acids (especially gamma linolenic acid or GLA) which are both linked to these conditions.

Diagnosing insufficient stomach acid is a tricky problem because the symptoms for too little are often the same those for too much. A simple tow tech way to assess your individual needs is with a hydrochloric acid supplement in the middle of a meal and right after. Choose a hydrochloric acid supplement that contains at least 500 to 550 mg of betaine hydrochloride and about 150 mg of pepsin. Start with one or two per day and increase your intake gradually. As soon as you feel a burning sensation or warmth in your stomach, cut back to a more comfortable dosage. I find that most individuals tolerate about 2 – 3 per meal, unless there is a severe deficiency, in which case, you might consider the Heidelburg Test which involves swallowing a capsule to monitor pH. (Note that those taking an antacid medication should check with their physician and do not take HCL if there is a pre-ulcerative or ulcerative condition or you are taking anti-inflammatory meds such as Motrin, Butazoldin, or aspirin).

For the topical fix, look to the Australian daisy extract which I chose for BeauCle – a natural to help quell redness and inflammation, regardless of the cause.

GLA increases cell resilience and moistens the fatty layer beneath the skin, delivering a multitude of beautifying benefits such as producing a dewy complexion, soothing dry, scaly skin, nourishing straw-like hair, and strengthening brittle nails. Even environmentally damaged and habitually dry skin received renewed moisture and smoothness. The GLA properties contained in borage oil are so notable in enhancing skin health that both the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology and the British Journal of Dermatology recognizes its benefits.

Besides giving you a dewy complexion, essential fats from black currant seed oil or borage can provide sheen for your hair and softness to your skin. Without them you can experience thinning hair, splitting nails, scaly or dry skin. GLA has a tremendous impact on your skin by increasing your body’s energy production and creating more cell resilience and a strong moisture barrier.

Numerous studies have been conducted with hydrating and healing borage oil – which contains up to 24% GLA – a much higher concentration than evening primrose oil (8%) or black currant seed oil (15%). GLA has a tremendous impact on your skin by increasing your body’s energy production and creating more cell resilience and a stronger intracellular moisture barrier. For an internal beauty bonanza, consider black currant seed oil. Black currant seed oil, the GLA source of GLA-90 – is a better balanced omega fat (containing both omega 3s and 6s). I recommend two, twice per day for weight loss but this amount can easily be doubled to combat skin dryness and itchiness. For eczema and psoriasis, GLA is also a natural soother. For these conditions, try 2 to 3 grams of GLA per day.

If you want to stop fine lines from appearing, use BeauCle’s Ultra Hydrating Moisture and Overnight Corrective Crème both of which contain topical fatty acids from the most treasured sources around the world like apricot kernel oil, squalane from olives, jojoba oil, GLA-rich borage oil, and Sea Buckthorn oil.

It’s time to pay attention to the kind of signals your body has been sending – and take heed. Living Beauty is right at your fingertips.

-Edge On Health, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman

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