Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

2012 a few resolutions....

A heard on the radio today that people that make resolutions are 10 times more likely to succeed - I can't argue with that so here are some of mine.

Personal resolutions:

I am so pleased to have lost 3 stone and 5 lbs in 2011.  My new personal goal is to weigh 11 stone by the 22nd April 2012... specific I know but that is the date of my 6th wedding anniversary and that is how much I weighed on the day I got married!

I absolutely adored my wedding dress (I will put a photo up of it when I am nearing my goal) and I aim to be able to get back into it by our anniversary.

During the last 7 or 8 years I have spent less and less time (and money) on myself.  Not unusual when you have 4 children but I can't remember the last time I had my nails manicured or my hair coloured.  I think this year I need to become a little more selfish and actually spend some time on me.

With 40 nearing next year I am beginning to notice the differences in my skin and I am terrible to it and never give it any attention.  My aim is to be a little kinder to myself and my skin - even if that means just drinking more water.

Blog resolutions:

I have been blogging for just 13 months and I still consider myself to be a complete novice in so many areas.  I am aiming to learn a bit more about my blog, my audience and try and lose some of the 'technophobia' I have.  My recent challenge means I will be blogging more regularly so I better start to find out more about it!

HTML is not such a nightmare any more so I will also be having a new blog header very soon as most of the images (which are mainly of Tala when he was a newborn with black hair!) are about a year old and as the blonde haired boy is now 14 months an update is in order.

I hope 2012 is kinder to me as 2011 has to go down in history as one of the worst so far - here's to 2012 and resolutions achieved.

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